Opening a Swiss Bank Account
It is no secret, that Switzerland is widely known as one of the most respectable and largest financial centers of Europe. The Swiss banks are positioned in the whole world as the most reliable making a guaranteed profit ones. Therefore, “the Swiss bank” concept is mainly associated with something unapproachable and super-reliable. Opening a settlement account in any Swiss bank means almost the same as saving one’s capital from all adversities of the modern economy.
The state neutrality, geographical location in Central Europe, long-established and stable democratic institutes ensured the specific position of this country on the world’s political map.
To open an account at one of the Swiss banks, it is necessary to meet with a designated banker. Such meeting may be held either at the bank office or at any comfortable place. There are special occasions when a banker deliberately flies off to the country of the client’s residence. The waiting period of meeting with the banker depends on the size of a deposit and may last from 1 day to 1 month. The banker meeting a client before registration of a bank account is aimed at only one thing,
that is to learn as much as possible about his future client and to draw the so-called ‘profile’ in particular.
To open an account the client has to provide all the required documents proving the legal money origin and fill in all the necessary bank account registration forms.
As soon as the bank confirms the account is opened, all necessary contact details for money transfer are advised to the client. One copy of the Agreement of bank account opening is usually kept at the bank for absolute confidentiality.
• Current or Settlement Account
• Saving Account
• Deposit Account
• Nominal Accounts
• Numbered Accounts
• Accounts for Legal Entities
• Private Banking